How Much is a Yard of Leather in Nigeria?

The price of leather depends on the quality, yard, colour and the country of its origin. To get original leather a yard cost from 2,000 and above. Also, the price can vary depending on the type of leather and the location of purchase.

In this article, we give a couple of ideas that will help you judge the right measurement of the leather you need for your sofa in Nigeria.

1. Where is the Leather Sourced?

One of the core price-influencing factors in Nigeria is the origin of the hides. It is common knowledge that some states in the country thrive in this type of business and as such, you can expect the cost to be lower.

For example, the following are some Nigerian states known for the shaving and the printing of designs on leather works:

  • Maiduguri
  • Katsina
  • Oyo
  • Naraguta located in Jos, Plateau State
  • Adamawa
  • Sokoto and;
  • Kano

The idea is simple – if you are sourcing your leather from any of those states, you can be sure to pay lesser than buying it in other locations where the material is shipped.

2. Understand the Variety of Prices

It is common for the prices of products to differ by location, and as we mentioned earlier, where the leather is shaved and printed can be one of the cheapest places to buy it.

However, you also want to take into account the varieties of prices of leather depending on other factors, such as the quantity you buy and the type of leather. For example, the full-grain leather tends to last longer and costs more than the genuine leather or top-grain leather.

You can get the yard of leather anywhere between 1,500 and 2,000.

3. Grade/Hide Source

The source of the hide itself is one important factor that can influence how much a leather for sofa can cost in Nigeria.

By this, we mean the animals used for the leather/hide. The higher the grade of the animal/source, the higher the price of the leather goes per yard.

The cheapest hide comes from lamb skins, followed by goat skins and cows. The middle-range hides come from sheepskins, medium-sized calf, shearling and bull hides. The high-end and one of the most expensive hides come from crocodiles, baby calf skins, the skins of ostriches and furs.

4. The Production Process Influences the Price of Leather

While this is not entirely in your control, it sure has a role to play in the price of leather by yard in Nigeria. The simple idea is that the higher the intensity used to produce the leather, the higher the price goes.

For perspective, leather made more from manual or intensive, human-inputs cost more than those entirely delegated to machines.

5. The Interface between Quality and Time

The time spent making the leather and the quality of the material help to determine how much it will cost.

For context, leather made from exotic skins, such as crocodiles and ostriches will usually take a long of time to be processed. With this increased time spent on the finishing comes the concentration to improve the quality of the final product.

Therefore, if you find a cheaper leather made from such exotic skins, it is possibly because the processing time was maneuvered and that often leads to compromised quality.

6. The Role of the Economies of Scale

The economies of scale, from a broader perspective, also help to determine how much the price of leather is to be sold by each yard.

Below are some of the aspects that can influence the cost:


Is the material produced by manual labour or through machines? For example, China produces more of leather made with machines than natural processes. This is unlike the European region, especially Italy, where the concentration is more on using the best methods to get the material readied.

The Tanning Process

There are two (2) major tanning processes for animal hides. These are the vegetable tanning and the chromium tanning methods.

Here’s the difference between the two: the vegetable tanning method is natural, in the sense that it uses natural processes, such as hand-tanning and sun-drying the hides to get the final product. This is comparable to the chromium tanning method which does not stop at using machines for the same process, but also involves using acids and chemicals to complete the final product.

7. Price Consideration from the Company’s Perspective

Every business is in the market to make profits and so does the producers or distributors of leather in Nigeria.

Now, these companies also have to maximize profits, after considering other cost implications. The following are some of the price consideration factors, on the companies’ side that can influence how much leather costs:

Transportation Costs

The cost of moving the materials from one part of the country can add up over time and influence the final price. A good example is when there is uncertainty over the price of fuel, especially when the price of fuel goes higher. In that case, the companies have to increase the cost of leather by yard to cover up for the additional transportation expenses.

Distribution Channels

Some leather companies in Nigeria have offices or showrooms in different parts of the country. Having a vast distribution network helps the prospective customers to spend less on buying and shipping the material from a farther location.

What is the Company’s Scale?

In addition to having outlets or distribution centers, the company’s scale also influences the cost of leather.

Some leather producers are family-owned and in such an instance, they have lower overhead costs to run, such as having a few staff. But if it were to be a multinational company, the cost of the material could be higher, because of the additional expenses it makes, such as maintaining the different outlets and paying staff.

Branding Could be a Factor

Leather producers that have built a brand out of it or become household names tend to gain market domination, especially if their products are of the highest quality.

You can expect such fame to come with additional costs, because of the market domination/influence.

Final Words

Finally, you can save more money on buying leather for your sofa in Nigeria if you reach out to a professional upholstery maker to help you get the best deal.


Would you like to purchase any type of leather? Contact our office in Aba or Lagos.

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