How Much Leather Do I Need for My Sofa in Nigeria?

You always wanted to buy genuine or real leather to cover your sofa, but you are not sure of the exact size to use in Nigeria. It can sometimes be frustrating, considering that the material is costly and you don’t want to spend higher than expected.

A quick way to find out the exact size is to know the size of your sofa and also the length and width of the leather you want to use.

But a lot goes into the measurements than just taking note of the length and width of the sofa you want to cover. Read further to discover some additional parameters that will make decision-making a lot easier.

1. Start by Understanding How Leather is Measured

You already have a sofa or you plan to buy one. Now, you want to choose the material for it and leather is your preferred choice.

You must note that this material is quite different from the other materials for covering furniture, in the sense that the measurement process differs. Leather is rarely sold in sheets like the other furniture materials are.

Rather, you will find the measurement in square feet, though some sellers use square yards and square meters as the measurement.

But why is leather measured in square feet or square meters instead of sheets? The answer is simple: the material is not easily rolled, as it usually takes the shape of the animal it was taken from. That is why most sellers measure the material in the form of square feet, as that is a better way to get an ideal measurement.

2. Do a Simple Conversion to Get an Accurate Measurement

Sometimes, measuring the length and width of the sofa or furniture could be a longer route. Instead, you may simply want to make a simple conversion to get an ideal measurement.

The general rule is that for every (1) yard of 54-inch fabric, the corresponding value would be 18 square feet of leather. With this in mind, it is possible to make a seamless conversion of the fabric to square feet to get the measurement for your leather.

3. Use the Fabric to Yard Conversion Table

To help you further, here is a tabular representation of what it would amount to when converting a linear yard of 54-inch-wide fabric to a hide size of 55 square feet, maximum:

Linear Yard Fabric Leather Equivalent
1 yard 18 square feet
2 yards 36 square feet
3 yards 54 square feet
4 yards 72 square feet
5 yards 90 square feet
6 yards 108 square feet
7 yards 126 square feet
8 yards 144 square feet
9 yards 162 square feet
10 yards 180 square feet

You can always add 18 square feet per yard you add to the measurement, but if you are using half of the fabric, the measurement will be 9 square feet.

4. Categorizing the Leather Needed for Your Sofa in Nigeria

To simplify things for you, we have come up with a general idea of what it would amount to when covering your sofa with leather.

Now, the amount of fabric you will need is directly proportional to the texture of the sofa. Generally, the texture is classified into three viz: tight, tufted and loose.

If you are covering a tight sofa, the measurement of the fabric should be 277 square feet, which equals 15 yards of linear fabric.

A loose sofa needs at least 18 yards of linear fabric, which amounts to at least 333 square feet of leather.

Last but not least, the tufted sofa needs at least 19 yards of fabric, which equals 351.5 square feet of leather.

Why Are the Measurements Higher Than the Estimated Size?

If you noticed, some of the measurements given above are a little bit higher than what they should be. For example, the tight sofa, which needs 15 yards of linear fabric used up to 277 square feet of leather. On the contrary, it should have been 270 square feet of leather, being 10 yards (180 square feet) and 5 yards (90 square feet).

However, the idea is to add some square feet of leather to the total area of the furniture, in this case, the sofa. The additional square feet, which is anywhere between 20% and 30% are added for waste – that is, the material that would be cut out or disposed off by the time the sofa is entirely covered.

Potential Differences in Hide Measurements

The hides used for making sofa upholstery are usually from cows. It is also possible to use hides from bulls.

The general idea is that despite the irregularity in the shape of the cowhide, it maintains a measurement of 7 feet by 7 feet.

Also, the sizes of the cowhides differ by the cow breed, meaning that the manufacturer or seller might not ship the exact measurement you asked for. To be on the safe side, work with the general idea of between 50 and 55 square feet, which should give something close to 18 square feet of leather.

But if you can afford it, consider asking for additional hides to be added, especially if you are making larger cuttings for the sofa.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Waste Should I Spare for Leather?

The industry standard is between 20% and 30% of additional hides to be added as waste. The waste derived from the sofa covering is because of a wide range of factors, such as the varied shape of the hides and special markings, including scars and bug bites.

What is the Ideal Length for Cowhides?

The general measurement is 7 feet by 7 feet and if you are converting, it would be 18 square feet of leather per 1 yard of 54-inch fabric.

Can I Combine Hides for My Sofa?

Yes, it is possible to make a special request for cowhides or bull hides to be combined. For example, if you are working with an estimate of 270 square feet of leather, you can request 180 square feet of hides and another 90 square feet of hides.


Cowhides, which are mostly used for making leathers for sofa covering, differ in size, depending on the cow breed. To be on the safe, consider measuring the length and width of your furniture and add up to 30% square feet of leather to the outcome to get something substantial to cover your sofa.

If that proves to be too much of a job for you, it’s always better to consult a professional upholsterer or furniture maker for a more exact answer.


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