10 Different Uses of Tarpaulin and Where to Buy It in Nigeria

A tarpaulin is a larger sheet of waterproof material used for a variety of purposes. You can use it to create a DIY shelter, especially if you are looking to stay safe from the harsh weather.

Tarpaulin can be used for other purposes, such as creating a temporal cover for renovations, trapping fish and making temporal room divider curtains. Find out more about the uses in the article.

How to Use Tarpaulins in Nigeria

Whether in your home or at a construction site, using a tarpaulin can help you in a lot of ways. Read on to find out everything you need to know about the different uses of tarpaulin in Nigeria.

1. Tarpaulins Block-Out the Wind

Are you occasionally disturbed by the wind and you want to put an end to it? Consider using tarpaulins to block-out the wind from flowing to your direction.

Here is how to do that:

  • Determine the angle the wind comes from.
  • Find a perfect place to attach the tarpaulin. It could be by tying it to a campsite or the side of a deck.
  • Spread-out the tarpaulin evenly towards the direction the wind comes from. This way, the other part wouldn’t be penetrated by the wind.

2. Use a Tarpaulin for Your “Survival” Needs

When life “boxes you into a corner,” having a tarpaulin around could help you stay put for a while. This holds true for camping activities where you are exposed to the different elements, ranging from wind and the storm.

Your tarpaulin can help you “survive” those times. Here’s how:

  • If your tent is broken, rest assured that a tarpaulin can come in handy to cover the open spaces.
  • You can also use the tarpaulin to collect “wash water” – for taking your bath in the camping place.

3. Tarpaulins also Make Good Tents

Having a tarpaulin in your camping bag can also help you build a mini tent while you enjoy your stay in the open.

Provided the sheet has eyelets, you can easily attach it to some other surfaces to construct the perfect tent.

On the flipside, using a tarpaulin to make a tent comes with a tradeoff – only the top is covered. So, you will have a bare floor to lay on – except, of course, you have a mat or another tarpaulin to make the floor.

On the good side, the sheet provides a “makeshift roof over your head,” while providing a combination of good wind deflection, heat conservation and good rain runoff. A quick online search can help you know how many yards of tarpaulins required to make a tent.

4. Use a Tarpaulin to Keep Your Items Dry at all Times

“When it rains, it pours” and this could expose your valuables to damage. Why not use a tarpaulin to keep them safer?

Here’s how a tarpaulin can make all that difference:

  • The thickness of the sheet prevents water from sipping through.
  • It provides a combination of rain and snow runoff with heat/insulation properties. This way, your valuables are protected from the rain and still keep dry within where they are stored.
  • You can use a tarpaulin to protect a wide range of valuables, such as plants, firewood when transported and your car.

5. Use a Tarp in Your Garden

Having a garden in your backyard makes a lot of sense, especially now that most people want to start “growing what they eat.”

However, the time spent curtailing some excesses, such as weed growth in the garden can be frustrating. If you have the means, it is best to prevent the weed from growing in the first place. Placing a tarpaulin in your garden can help.

Here’s how to achieve this:

  • Place the tarpaulin on the piece of ground you want to make your garden. Go for the black tarpaulin, which warms the color, aligns with the soil’s color and generally, improves heat absorption.
  • The tarpaulin helps to smoother the weeds before you start planting.
  • As your plants begin to grow, the tarp also helps to prevent more weeds from growing after the planting session.

In addition, having a tarpaulin laid on the garden’s grounds also improves the soil’s fertility. For example, the heat absorption capabilities are a great way to attract earthworms, which, in turn, helps to till the soil’s surface.


6. Tarpaulins also Serve as “Clean-Inducing Agents”

Some items are prone to get dirty faster than others, especially if they are kept in dusty areas. With a tarpaulin, you can keep most of that dirt away.

The secret is to keep the sheet on the surface you want to keep clean. From your sofa to your car seat and a pile of wood – you can keep as many items as clean as possible.

7. Use the Tarpaulin as a Gurney

Got an injured person, but there’s no flat surface to lift the person with? Rather than wait for the ambulance to arrive with a stretcher, you can use a tarpaulin as a gurney to transport the injured person.

Just make sure it is sturdy enough!

8. Tarpaulins Protect the Floors

Doing some clean-ups at home? Looking to repaint your walls? Spread some tarpaulins to cover the floor. That way, the paint spills and other cleaning agents wouldn’t come into contact with the floor.

9. Tarpaulins Aid in Landscaping Activities

You can rely on your tarpaulin to carry weighty items within and around your home, especially if you are doing some landscaping.

Simply place the items on the sheet and drag them all the way to where they are needed for use in the yard.

10. Tarpaulins are Generally Used for Transportation

From logs of wood to aluminum coils and steels; you can basically protect many items while being transported.

The goal is to make flatbed trailer traps, which provide the needed protection against transportation-induced wear-and-tear on the items/cargos.

Final Words: Different Uses of Tarpaulin You Should Know in Nigeria

To sum it up, you can use tarpaulin for making mini play-places for kids, covering work supplies, keeping the fire burning while it rains and creating a floatation device.

Nestken Masters sell the best tarpaulins in Nigeria. You can use our tarps for goods’ carriage, protecting your yourself and your properties from the elements and hunting fish.

Would you like to purchase upholstery fabric, leather or tarpaulin? Contact any of the Nestken Masters’ offices in Lagos or Aba. Call: 08039388366

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