How Many Years Should a Furniture Be Expected to Last?

Wondering how many years your newly acquired furniture will last? You’re not alone. Most of us do, especially when the furniture costs an arm and a leg.

The life expectancy of furniture depends on some factors, including the type of furniture, how it is used, and most importantly, the quality of the materials used to construct it.

Good quality furniture should last a lifetime if properly used. Some families still have pieces of furniture used and passed down by their older generations. Some of these pieces of furniture have lasted up to 150 years but still, look great. The thing is, the quality of materials used in making them far exceeds that of modern furniture. In fact, some of the wood used in furniture in those days is no longer available.

Some modern furniture is also made to last that long. The quality of the material and the workmanship put into making them are visible in the cost. However, some are made just to raise the aesthetics of a home or office without considering the lifespan.

This article looks at the lifespan of different furniture types. Therefore, by the time you’re done reading, you should know how many years your chair, sofa, or dresser will last. You’d also know when to quit repairing furniture and get a new one and what to do with the old one. Let’s begin by looking at the different furniture types.

Types of Furniture

The type of furniture is a major determinant of how many years it should last. Here are different furniture types:

  • Sofa or Couch
  • Chair
  • Table
  • Bed
  • Desk or Dresser
  • Wardrobe, etc.

Since they have varying lifespans, examining them separately is the ideal thing to do.

Life Expectancy of Different Types of Furniture

Here are the average lifespan of the following furniture

How Many Years Should a Sofa or Couch Last?

The average lifespan of a sofa or couch is 7–15 years. The years will double if it’s a quality leather sofa or couch.

Sofas are among the most used furniture in a home. They’re where you stay to watch TV, relax or even sleep. That makes them require replacement earlier than some others, like tables.

How Many Years Should a Chair Last?

While an upholstered chair may last between 7 and 10 years, a wooden chair is expected to last up to 15 years. Just like sofas, chairs are constantly used, making them age and wear out easily. The moment your chair becomes wobbly or cracks, you should consider changing it.

How Many Years Should a Table Cost?

Tables do not carry the weight chairs and sofas carry and, as such, are expected to last longer. Most quality tables last from fifteen to twenty years and are mostly replaced because of their unsightly looks, the owner’s change in taste, or their desire for a different size.

How Many Years Should a Bed Last?

The mattress is the part of a bed that requires replacement sooner than the others. The bed frame, made with quality material, can last much longer. The average lifespan of a bed is fifteen to twenty years. However, a mattress is expected to be changed between five and ten years of use.

How Many Years Should a Desk Last?

A quality desk can last between fifteen and twenty years. That’s expected as desks are used for reading, writing, or placing a piece of equipment such as a computer. They don’t carry as much weight as chairs and mattresses.

How Many Years Should a Wardrobe Last?

Most wooden wardrobes can last between fifteen and twenty years. Wardrobes often carry little pressure or weight. Their replacement is usually more of a change of look than it is of necessity. Provided they’re made with quality wood and are termite repellant, wardrobes can be the last furniture to be changed in the bedroom.

How Many Years Should a Dresser Last?

Dressers are typically designed to be sturdy. This is mainly because their primary use is for storing important things. The average lifespan of a dresser is ten to twenty years. Most dressers start spoiling from their drawers, and maybe their legs when carrying items too heavy for them.

How to Know if You Need to Change Your Furniture

While getting damaged or broken are good reasons to change your cabinetwork, they aren’t the only reasons. Here are other reasons why you should change your furniture:

  • They’ve become old-fashioned, and your tastes have changed
  • They no longer fit the space where they’re placed
  • The fabric or leather has worn out, torn, or gotten stained
  • Using them is no longer comfortable, maybe because you’ve added or lost some weight.

What to Do with Your Old Furniture

Replacing your upholstery doesn’t mean discarding them in the storeroom for termites to feed on. They can still serve some purpose, which could mean earning good money. Here are the things to do when you want to replace your old furniture:

Dispose of Them

If the material is damaged beyond repair or broken in a way it’s no longer safe to use, the best thing is to get rid of it. You can turn the woods into other useful things or burn them thoroughly. The same thing applies to fabrics. Alternatively, you can contact the state waste disposal unit to pick them up.

Give Out

If the upholstery is still in good use and you’re simply changing because of taste, you can donate them to charities or other willing users.

Sell It

You can make money selling your old furniture on platforms like Jiji, Facebook Marketplace, or Twitter. You need to take a clear picture of them and honestly describe them on these platforms. Interested buyers would easily chat you up to discuss terms.

Pass it Along

Most homes have furniture passed on to them from their older generations. You can do the same if you have family members needing them. It can also be a form of memory refresher when you visit those family members.

Where to Buy Quality Furniture Materials in Nigeria

If you’re looking to buy quality leather or fabric materials for your furniture, then Nestken Masters is your best destination.

Our offices in Aba and Lagos are filled with the best materials to build an everlasting piece of furniture. You can visit the Aba office at No. 4 Boundary Street, off Faulks Rd by Seven Deck, Aba, Abia State, and the Lagos office at No 2. Ladipo Street, Mushin, Lagos, Lagos State


If built and handled with care, most furniture would outlive its owners. Therefore, how many years a piece of furniture is expected to last depends on the quality of the materials and how it is used. Proper care and maintenance, such as dusting, vacuuming, and cleaning, can help extend the lifespan of the furniture.

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